We want to thank all our aGora users that contribute the launch of new versions and program compilations with their inestimable suggestions.
Through the release notes you will view some novelties added to the updates and new versions of the program. These novelties expand aGora constantly, providing it of improved stability, new functionalities, solved errors, etc.

- 4.65.810 (24/04/24)
- 4.64.800 (09/08/23)
- 4.63.790 (28/02/23)
- 4.62.780 (16/05/22)
- 4.61.770 (15/12/21)
- 4.60.760 (22/09/21)
- 4.59.750 (23/04/21)
- 4.58.740 (17/12/20)
- 4.57.730 (26/10/20)
- 4.56.720 (17/08/20)
- 4.55.710 (01/02/20)
- 4.54.700 (25/01/19)
- 4.53.690 (20/06/18)
- 4.52.680 (03/05/18)
- 4.51.670 (26/02/18)
- 4.49.650 (08/05/17)
- 4.48.640 (09/02/17)
- 4.47.630 (21/09/16)
- 4.46.620 (01/06/16)
- 4.45.610 (27/04/16)
- 4.44.600 (29/01/16)
- 4.43.590 (23/09/15)
- 4.42.580 (23/04/15)
- 4.40.560 (14/01/15)
- 4.39.550 (07/10/14)
- 4.39.540 (15/07/14)
- 4.39.530 (23/05/14)
- 4.39.520 (16/04/14)
Release notes 4.55.710
- NEW FEATURE Changes in the process of generating students reports in batch issued from the menus Courses > Assessment results > Results and certificates > Students reports with results in parts: Now, they contain the possibility of choosing grades from several different evaluations to add to the list, and also allow you to display an average of the grades for all the evaluations chosen, being able to choose that the average is calculated by evaluation or by subject.
- NEW FEATURE Added list to be able to extract totals of invoices by customer of a year adding partial ones by quarters, to be able to extract the list to execute model 347 of the Spanish administration.
- NEW FEATURE Added the possibility of marking subjects as inactive: a field "Inactive" has been added to the subjects, to allow screening through the Control Panel options to show or not those subjects that are no longer valid in the centre.
- NEW FEATURE Added improvements to the teacher Timetable Control reports. The timetable control report can now be generated in three ways: from simulated results to show timetable control (without the need for the previous existence of confirmed teachings in aGora), from the real generated and confirmed teachings for associated staff, or a blank report to be filled in manually. The report can now also be issued for non-teaching staff in the centre.
- NEW FEATURE Added task to the context menu of the Enquiry window that allows to duplicate an enquiry, creating a new enquiry registration window pre-filled with the data of the selected enquiry, except for specific fields such as the course/group/subject/area of interest and its comments. Its purpose is to speed up the process of creating enquiries for customers interested in more than one course.
- NEW FEATURE Added possibility to send invoices individually to people related to the customer of the invoice, instead of to the customer itself (contact people associated with a customer can be created from the Advanced Customer Management, in the section "Contacts"), to reflect shipments to people in charge or representatives of a customer company.
- NEW FEATURE Added possibility to select more than one contract in the list of contracts to send by email the contract document in PDF, instead of allowing only one at a time.
- NEW FEATURE Added to aGora.Mailchimp the functionality of choosing the segment from a drop-down list instead of having to write the exact name.
- NEW FEATURE Added option to add negative quantities to the units of the Expense Concepts to represent returns of material.
- NEW FEATURE Added process that allows the creation of batch teaching retrievals: the process will create copies of existing teachings selected by the user, modifying certain data (such as the date of the new teaching) in which it will be indicated that they are retrievals of the selected teaching, which could not be taught at the time (and that the process will automatically mark as not taught with a cause of absence that we can indicate throughout the process).
- NEW FEATURE Added process to remove events from the agenda in batch.
- NEW FEATURE Added possibility to launch phone calls by skype to students, customers, staff, etc. from the list or query window by clicking on the link of the phone while holding the the "ALT" key pressed.
- NEW FEATURE Added possibility to mark the field blnEntragado as activated from batch processes of product sales.
- NEW FEATURE Added pre-filter in the window "Agenda of staff" to ensure that in any case the staff to be listed can be pre-filtered for the selection.
- NEW FEATURE New fields have been added to the Cash transactions and Bank account transactions windows: a new field has been added indicating the payment option generated by each entry, and a new field with the exact time of generation of the entry.
- NEW FEATURE Added the option of sending documents by e-mail generated by the program automatically (enrollments, bills, incoming payments, budgets, etc.) to add more additional attachments. Previously, only the document created by aGora (which was already attached by default) could be attached to the e-mail.
- NEW FEATURE Added the option of sending documents by e-mail generated by the program automatically (enrollments, bills, incoming payments, budgets, etc.) to save the generated documents in PDF in the related document management section (customer or student, as appropriate). Gold edition or higher.
- NEW FEATURE Added new item within the advanced management of staffl, sales staff and teachers, where the emails sent from aGora to these staff will appear. Before, you could only see the mails sent by the staff, now, the mails sent to the staff have been added.
- NEW FEATURE Added the option of sending PDF diplomas by email from aGora to the related students.
- NEW FEATURE Added fields for VAT, Discount and Deduction in the customers budgets.
- NEW FEATURE Added new fields in the table of students for FUNDAE and for lists of children's centres: Disability, Affected by terrorism, Affected by gender violence, Father's ID, Mother's ID.
- NEW FEATURE Added queries of documents by students/customers/teachers/commercials/groups/courses/providers/expenses/staff costs between dates.
- NEW FEATURE Added query: Details of products/services in sales by group, which will show all sales of specific products related to a group of the user's choice.
- NEW FEATURE Added query: Incoming payments related to bill instalments, filtered by their instalment date.
- NEW FEATURE Added query: Students by type of contract (between dates).
- NEW FEATURE Added query: Students by type of contract (current).
- NEW FEATURE Added query: Customers with sales made between dates.
- NEW FEATURE Added query: Incoming payments between dates. Shows the incoming payments of those instalments that are between the dates required to the user.
- NEW FEATURE Added two queries to allow seeing the customers' contacts, either in general (Customers' Contacts) or by customer (Contacts by customer).
- NEW FEATURE Added teacher's e-mail field in the Teachers timetable control reports.
- NEW FEATURE Added access buttons to Centralized management of customers and students to the contract queries.
- NEW FEATURE Added buttons to generate free item description and periodic bills to the contract queries.
- NEW FEATURE Added the School and Study Level fields to the students' queries.
- NEW FEATURE Added the Comments field to the list of Assessment results in parts.
- NEW FEATURE Added the Total Amount field to the "Expenses by type of expense" statistics.
- NEW FEATURE Added fields for group code, contract code, group name and contract date to the attendance report obtained in the option "Record in batch with timetables".
- NEW FEATURE Added filters by Group type, Course type and Course category to the "Attendance report" query.
- NEW FEATURE Added the option to modify in batch the field "Authorize the use of your image for photos and videos" of the student's file within the batch modifications of the privacy conditions.
- NEW FEATURE Added the field Family to which student belongs in the Contracts teaching information.
- NEW FEATURE Added zip code field to the Enquiries queries.
- NEW FEATURE Added process to generate a .csv file with the necessary data for the generation of model 233 "Informative declaration for expenses in nurseries by authorised children care schools".
- NEW FEATURE Added student's email fields to the query Terminations and temporary deactivations of contracts.
- NEW FEATURE Added option to allow sending several invoices of a same customer as multiple attachments in the same e-mail.
- NEW FEATURE Added to the Sales menu the query of Customer contacts by customer type.
- NEW FEATURE Added to the Courses menu the query Teachers by course.
- NEW FEATURE Added new statistics Bills by type of contract
- NEW FEATURE Added new statistic Incoming payments by contract type
- NEW FEATURE Added new statistic Enrolment progression by course group
- NEW FEATURE Added new statistic Enrolment progression by teacher
- FIXING SOURCE Implemented improvements in the aGora's synchronization process with MailChimp to increase efficiency, including pre-filters for faster selective synchronization.
- FIXING SOURCE Fixed error in the Pre-enrolments list for the SQL Server-based databases. The error appeared if the field 'Available places' and the option 'Unlimited' existed within the list.
- FIXING SOURCE Fixed error that appeared when charging a bill from the bills edition window if it had been opened from within a contract. The error appeared when leaving the contract saving changes.
- FIXING SOURCE Fixed error when updating the blnVigente field in Mailchimp that caused incorrect updates and failures during the process.
- FIXING SOURCE Fixed error while saving an email account if the single-quote character ( ' ) was used in the account name.
- FIXING SOURCE Fixed error which caused that, when creating an enquiry from the "Enquiries" section of an student's advanced management window, the date of birth was not transferred to it.
- FIXING SOURCE Fixed error in aGora.Moodle that, when removing a student from an enrolled group from the Contracted groups edition window within a contract and being the student linked to a group in Moodle, it was removed from the course in Moodle, but its profile in Moodle was not deleted, even though in the Control Panel was marked the option to delete from Moodle if the student is not enroled in any Moodle group.
- FIXING SOURCE Fixed error that occurred when trying to end a group using the corresponding button from the "Groups" item of the Student's advanced management.
- FIXING SOURCE Fixed error that occurred in the process "Change instalment dates in batch" when having selected the visibility option "Show bill instalments of unpaid bills".
- FIXING SOURCE Fixed error that occurred in the process "Calculate age of students" if the field Age was one of the fields uploaded to the MailChimp lists.
- FIXING SOURCE Fixed error that prevented from configurating the Clickatell account sender with the new platform changes.
- FIXING SOURCE Fixed error that in the expenses concepts, when changing the expense concept type into immibilized, the previous expense type linked to the expense concept was not deselected. Now, it also allows to unlink completely the expense type in case of wanting to leave it blank.
- FIXING SOURCE Fixed error that, under certain circumstances, created duplicated records in Bank/cash transactions when processing incomes or payments. That duplicated records won't be generated anymore.
- FIXING SOURCE Fixed error when creating a family relationship from the student's edit window.
- FIXING SOURCE Fixed error in the process of increasing characters to ledger accounts when some of the elements had the field of ledge account empty.
- FIXING SOURCE Fixed error in the process of adding manualloy a new teaching, that couldn't refill correctly the teaching date if the student had been added from the teaching.
- FIXING SOURCE Fixed error that caused the non-appearance of the temporary leaves of the student's contracts in the calendars and plannings by student and by contract.
- FIXING SOURCE Fixed error in the calculation of the average results: now, the average will be calculated taking values only between the results belonging to the assessment result type linked to the subject (if there is one), and not taking the first result of the ist within the shown value.
- FIXING SOURCE Fixed error that, when creating a new enquiry, a task event or action of the agenda from th product management, the product wasn't automatically linked to the new element.
- FIXING SOURCE Fixed error that, in contracts with periodic payments with temporary leaves between two months, generated by mistake the bill corresponding to the following period to the indicated date.
- FIXING SOURCE Fixed error when combining mailing in email templates with information containing accents or special characters. Now, they are combined and shown correctly in all cases.