O nosso mais sincero agradecimento a todos os usuários de aGora que com as suas sugestões contribuem ao lançamento das novas versões e compilações do programa.

Através das notas de versão você poderá ver as diferentes novidades incluidas nas versões e atualizações do programa. Estas novidades aumentam a potência de aGora constantemente, oferecendo melhor estabilidade, novas funções, erros corregidos, etc.

OBS.: informação disponível em inglês.

Notas de versão de aGora

Novidades da versão 4.66.820

  • IMPORTANTE New integration with WHATSAPP
    This new integration, which is automatically included if you've got the aGora.Connect extension, allows you to create WhatsApp groups and fill them with participants, either choosing the participants manually (among your students, customers, etc.) or using one of aGora's course groups as a base for the WhatsApp group, using its students/customers/teachers as participants. In order to use this integration, you must register an account with the Whapi platform.
  • NOVIDADE New statistic: Bills by VAT type. Located in Accounts > Statistics > Income and incoming payments
  • NOVIDADE New statistic: Expenses by VAT type. Located in Accounts > Statistics > Expenses and payments
  • NOVIDADE New data query: Customers by course (between dates). Located in Sales > Data queries > Customers
  • NOVIDADE New batch process Create enquiries' actions in bulk, located in Commercial > Batch processes. This option will create the same action for a set of selected enquiries, instead of having to do it manually one by one. The process will ask the type of the action to be created, only among those custom created by the user.
  • NOVIDADE New data query: Enquiries without actions between dates. This query will show enquiries with no linked action, filtering them between to set dates. You'll also be able to filter the results further by action type.
  • NOVIDADE New data query: Estimated programme for groups managed by responsible teacher. Located in Courses > Data queries > Teachers > Teachers responsible for groups. This query will show a report of the estimated schedule of groups that have the selected teacher as their main coordinator.
  • NOVIDADE New data query: Actual programme for groups managed by responsible teacher. Located in Courses > Data queries > Teachers > Teachers responsible for groups. This query will show a report of the real schedule (basing its results in the confirmed teacher attendance records) of groups that have the selected teacher as their main coordinator.
  • NOVIDADE New data query: Total estimated hours for groups managed by responsible teacher. Located in Courses > Data queries > Teachers > Teachers responsible for groups. This query will show a report containing the total estimated hours taught in groups that have the selected teacher as their main coordinator.
  • NOVIDADE New data query: Total real hours for groups managed by responsible teacher. Located in Courses > Data queries > Teachers > Teachers responsible for groups. This query will show a report containing the total real hours (basing its results in the confirmed teacher attendance records) taught in groups that have the selected teacher as their main coordinator.
  • NOVIDADE New data query: List of total estimated hours for responsible teacher. Located in Courses > Data queries > Teachers > Teachers responsible for groups. This query will list the total estimated hours taught in groups that have the selected teacher as their main coordinator.
  • NOVIDADE New data query: List of total real hours for responsible teacher. Located in Courses > Data queries > Teachers > Teachers responsible for groups. This query will list the total real hours (basing its results in the confirmed teacher attendance records) taught in groups that have the selected teacher as their main coordinator.
  • NOVIDADE New data query: Contracts with subscribed hours about to be fulfilled. Located in Sales > Data queries > Contracts. This query will list those contracts with a payment option of subscribed hours that have already (or are about to) consume the last of their subscribed hours.
  • NOVIDADE New report Economic report. Located in Courses > Data queries > Students > Reports > Economic report. Creates a report gathering all economic data concerning the contracts of selected students, generated during their stay in the center.
  • NOVIDADE New report Academic report. Located in Courses > Data queries > Students > Reports > Academic report. Creates a report gathering all data concerning attendance reports and results of selected students, generated during their stay in the center.
  • NOVIDADE New batch process Mass replacement of teacher set in classes, located in Courses > Batch processes > Course groups. This option will change the teacher for the selected classes and, if you so choose, also in their related attendance records created between set dates.
  • NOVIDADE Added students' phone numbers fields to the data queries "Contracts ended naturally" and "Terminations and temporary deactivations of contracts"
  • NOVIDADE Added new pre-filter by course group start date in the "Terminations and temporary deactivations of contracts" data query.
  • NOVIDADE Added father's ID number and mother's ID number fields to the contract report and the lodging reservation report, so they can be included in the report if necessary.
  • NOVIDADE Added an option to the Control Panel that allows the user to set if, when enroling students in course groups, the maximum capacity of sessions should be taken into account. Up until now, only the course group capacity or the classroom capacity were taken into account. This option can be found in Settings > Control Panel > Academic Offer > Capacity settings.
  • NOVIDADE New option for bills marked as non-payable. When creating a new contract for a student or customer that has existing bills set as non-payable, the software will warn the user, asking for confirmation in order to complete the creation of the contract.
  • NOVIDADE Added new pre-filter by customer for the batch processes Batch register incoming payments of bills and Batch register incoming payments of bills' instalments.
  • NOVIDADE Added new option Control Panel > General options > List window options > Indicates whether totals have to be displayed in the list windows and in the printed lists for batch processes. If this check is marked, on the batch processes' windows which have relevant fields containing amounts or quantities, a total sum of said fields will be shown at the bottom of the window.
  • NOVIDADE Added new settings for online signatures in aGora's control panel(Control panel > SignRequest >  Save signed document in adv. management document repository): This settings will allow you to either set a default value for document type or be asked for the desired type when saving the signed document in the corresponding repository .
  • NOVIDADE Added possibility of importing data from spreadsheets created by OpenOffice (formerly only spreadsheets created by Microsoft Office were compatible with aGora, and only if Office was installed in the computer).
  • NOVIDADE Added default gender in aGora control Panel. This default gender will be set by default when creating new students, staff members and requests. Can be located in Control panel > Default values > Other default values
  • NOVIDADE Added default bill series to be used on sales, different to that used for contracts. Up until now, there was only one default bill series that was used for both cases. Located in Control panel > Default values > Economic default values
  • NOVIDADE Added new field Bank account country to the staff member and provider data, so SEPA transfers can be done to non-spanish bank accounts.
  • NOVIDADE Improved creation of advanced management reports. Now it's no longer mandatory to have Microsoft Word in order to design and print the report.
  • NOVIDADE Added new fields for the student attendance report Record in batch with timetables. These new fields strDiaAbreviadoX substitutes the strDiaX field, as an abbreviated version of the original field so the column header takes less space, and therefore allowing the user to add more columns to the report.
  • NOVIDADE Changed user permission nomenclature: Assign enquiries changed to Assign salesperson. This permission determined only if the user was able to change the salesperon associated with a specific request. Now, it also determines if the user is able to change the salesperson assigned to course groups, courses, customers, contracts, estimates, sales, presales, pre-enrolments and lodging reservations.
  • NOVIDADE Added the option of selecting multiple items in the bills and bills' instalments list windows in order to register an incoming payment for all of the selected items at once. Up until now, this process could only be triggered if a single bill or installment was selected. The software will register incoming payments for ALL instalments of the selected bills, disregarding wether they've been set as non-payable or they belong to different customers. The only bills this process will exclude will be those linked in any way with an online incoming payment request (if your license has the aGora.webPayments extension active)
  • NOVIDADE Added the option of manually adding recipients when sending estimates via email. New recipients can now be manually added in the mail editor shown if the user chooses to "Modifiy the e-mail's body or subject".
  • NOVIDADE Added new fields to the diploma template: total number of theoretical hours, total number of practical hours and internal item number (to help set a diploma serial number customizable by the user)
  • NOVIDADE Added new "Inactive" field in Classrooms used to indicate that the classroom is no longer in use. Can be useful if the centre works in many temporary external classrooms. It will behave the same as the Inactive fields of the parameters auxiliary tables, being shown or hidden according to the control panel option "Hide inactive parameters"
  • NOVIDADE Modified process of sending online offers via e-mail. Now, instead of showing the whole URL string in the e-mail, the user will see a clickable hyperlink with the text "Link to offer" which will open the URL in a browser when clicked.
  • NOVIDADE Data update process changed so if a course group was to be closed on the current day, the process does NOT immediately end it. The process will only close the course group the following day, keeping the group active for its last day.
  • NOVIDADE Added option of sending an e-mail/SMS to the student/customer/enquiry on the following data queries: Agenda events with linked student, Agenda events with linked customer and Agenda events with linked enquiry. This sending will allow for the use of merge fields, that will show the event's data when sending the message
  • NOVIDADE Added new field Event type that can be included in every agenda events' list.
  • NOVIDADE Added new task Duplicate product/service in the list windows Products/services management, that allows the duplication of the selected product/service
  • NOVIDADE Added new batch process Duplicate tasks. It will create duplicates for the selected tasks, allowing you to change their start and due dates.
  • CORREÇÃO Bug solved: Whenever an expense was paid, the payment method always defaulted to Cash. Now, whenever there's more than one possible payment method created, the software won't default to one, forcing the user to choose the appropiate one. If only one payment method exists, the software will always default to that one.
  • CORREÇÃO Bug solved: Whenever sending an aGora report (contract, invoice, bill, incoming payment, etc.) via e-mail, if the selected e-mail template already had attached files and the user chose to edit the e-mail subject or body before sending, those existing attachments were not included in the final sent e-mail. Now, they will always be sent along with the report in PDF format.
  • CORREÇÃO Bug solved: The Batch students attendance (send PDF by email) batch process locked up and never finished properly. Now it does.
  • CORREÇÃO Changed the student selection process for the pre-sale/pre-enrolment data windows. Whenever an existing student was selected, the pre-enrolment or pre-sale's student-related fields were not properly filled in with the selected student's data. Now they are correctly filled in.
  • CORREÇÃO Bug solved: when creating a new online offer for enrolments, if the control panel's default payment option was not "Periodic payment" or "Payment in one or more instalments", an error ocurred. No longer.
  • CORREÇÃO In SQL Server-based setups, the loading process for the students' list and advanced management windows has been changed so the student picture does not slow the data load.
  • CORREÇÃO Bug solved: When calculating the student's attendance in its results in parts' reports, the attendance of ALL of the students' sessions was taken into account, instead of only those of the session linked to the results. Now it's calculated properly.
  • CORREÇÃO Bug solved: In SQL Server-based setups, an error ocurred when editing a student's data in the Birthday data query. It has been corrected.
  • CORREÇÃO Bug solved: On the Agenda events window loading process. When loading the Student ID, Customer ID and/or Enquiry ID field caused the next time loading that window to throw an error. It has been solved.
  • CORREÇÃO Bug solved: When sending contracts in bulk via e-mail, the PDF was always sent to the customer even if options were set so it was sent to the student.
  • CORREÇÃO Bug solved: When creating an enquiry, the Employment situation dropdown menu always showed every option, even if inactive. Now it will behave as set in the Control Panel.
  • CORREÇÃO Bug solved: When opening a course in edit mode when in the Courses by course category and Courses by course type data queries, an error ocurred. It has been corrected.
  • CORREÇÃO Bug solved: An error ocurred on SQL Server-based setups, when the user is prompted for the SQL Server login data. If you closed the window via the X corner button (instead of via the Cancel button), the login data saved in the system's registry to speed up the process was lost, so the next time the software was booted up, no saved data was shown and forced the user to input it manually again. Now the X corner button acts the same as the Cancel button and no longer loses the saved data.