O nosso mais sincero agradecimento a todos os usuários de aGora que com as suas sugestões contribuem ao lançamento das novas versões e compilações do programa.

Através das notas de versão você poderá ver as diferentes novidades incluidas nas versões e atualizações do programa. Estas novidades aumentam a potência de aGora constantemente, oferecendo melhor estabilidade, novas funções, erros corregidos, etc.

OBS.: informação disponível em inglês.

Notas de versão de aGora

Novidades da versão 4.43.590

  • IMPORTANTE A new module is available for aGora, aGora.MailChimp, for those users that purchase it. This module allows you to link your MailChimp® account with your aGora database, allowing you to populate MailChimp's lists with the information you store in aGora of your students, customers, staff and enquiries. It will also allow you to download and process the results of your MailChimp's campaigns in aGora.
  • NOVIDADE Added a new trigger that, when the "Include payment period in the description item of bills" in the Bills submenu in aGora's Control Panel is activated, the payment period will also be added to the bill's concept text, so it can be copied when creating an invoice with the bill.
  • NOVIDADE Added a new field to "Enquiries" which allows to specify wether the enquirer wishes to receive mailing from our centre or not.
  • NOVIDADE Added a new function to the aGora.Moodle module that allows, when a new user is created in Moodle® via aGora, the first time said user enters Moodle® he/she will have to change the default password for one of his/her choice instead.
  • NOVIDADE Added a new option in aGora's Control panel, in the "Default values" submenu, which allows us to specify a default "means of incoming payment"
  • NOVIDADE Added a new option for taught classes' weekly registers that allows the user to choose if they want to show the group option's name.
  • CORREÇÃO Solved a bug on the "Teacher by qualification" statistic on SQL SERVER-based aGora editions
  • CORREÇÃO Solved a bug on the "Totals by dates" statistic found in the Accounts tab on SQL SERVER-based aGora editions
  • CORREÇÃO Solved a bug on the "Cancel (incoming) payments" batch process, which caused it to fail for incoming payments related to enrollment fees
  • CORREÇÃO Solved a bug that impeded the cancellation of a direct debit remit if it had two different billing dates and the earlier billing date was selected as the cancellation date.
  • CORREÇÃO Solved a bug when cancelling an incoming payment and choosing to add the cancelling expenses to the related bill: If the bill had only one bill concept associated, the "Before tax" quantity was not updated, even thought the "Total" quantity was.
  • CORREÇÃO Solved a bug on the "Automatic generation of invoices" process which, when choosing a specific emission date for the invoices, would cause the date to be ignored when the user chose not to group all of each customers' bills in a single invoice.
  • CORREÇÃO Solved a bug that caused aGora to detect overlaps in the timetables of group options when there were none, for cases when the teacher, day and classroom are the same, even if the hours aren't. Only on SQL Server-based aGora editions.
  • CORREÇÃO Solved a bug which caused the "Hide inactive parameters" in aGora's Control Panel not to show on editions of aGora lower than Gold edition.
  • CORREÇÃO Solved a bug which caused the retention quantity associated to a cancelled invoce not to reflect correctly in its related rectifying invoice.
  • CORREÇÃO Solved a bug which would not allow the user to deselect a specific parameter in many edit mode windows if the user lacked permission to create parameters.
  • CORREÇÃO Solved a bug that allowed us to reactived a course group without first having reactivated its associated course
  • CORREÇÃO Solved a bug exporting accounting information to ECO5 Pro due to bad naming of the resulting file
  • CORREÇÃO Solved an error when deleting a sale that had one or more benficiaries: when deleting the sale, the beneficiary-sale relation was not being deleted, which caused the next created sale to automatically associate itself to said beneficiaries.