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Através das notas de versão você poderá ver as diferentes novidades incluidas nas versões e atualizações do programa. Estas novidades aumentam a potência de aGora constantemente, oferecendo melhor estabilidade, novas funções, erros corregidos, etc.
OBS.: informação disponível em inglês.
- 4.65.810 (24/04/24)
- 4.64.800 (09/08/23)
- 4.63.790 (28/02/23)
- 4.62.780 (16/05/22)
- 4.61.770 (15/12/21)
- 4.60.760 (22/09/21)
- 4.59.750 (23/04/21)
- 4.58.740 (17/12/20)
- 4.57.730 (26/10/20)
- 4.56.720 (17/08/20)
- 4.55.710 (01/02/20)
- 4.54.700 (25/01/19)
- 4.53.690 (20/06/18)
- 4.52.680 (03/05/18)
- 4.51.670 (26/02/18)
- 4.49.650 (08/05/17)
- 4.48.640 (09/02/17)
- 4.47.630 (21/09/16)
- 4.46.620 (01/06/16)
- 4.45.610 (27/04/16)
- 4.44.600 (29/01/16)
- 4.43.590 (23/09/15)
- 4.42.580 (23/04/15)
- 4.40.560 (14/01/15)
- 4.39.550 (07/10/14)
- 4.39.540 (15/07/14)
- 4.39.530 (23/05/14)
- 4.39.520 (16/04/14)
Novidades da versão 4.51.670
- IMPORTANTE Added process: import XML file of SEPA returns (Only for Spanish licences).
- IMPORTANTE Added process to download emails in aGora. Receive and manage in aGora all the emails from the accounts configured in aGora, it will allow you centralize al your email management from aGora.
- NOVIDADE Added new query Total incoming payments of customers . It is located in the section Accounts > Queries > Incoming payments.
- NOVIDADE Added new query Students incoming payments totals . It is located in the section Accounts > Queries > Incoming payments.
- NOVIDADE Added new query Contracts by academic year . It is located in the section Sales > Queries > Contracts.
- NOVIDADE Added new query Groups included in contracts by academic year.. It is located in the section Sales> Queries> Contracts.
- NOVIDADE Added new query Products/services details in sales by customer. It is located in the section Sales > Queries > Sales.
- NOVIDADE Added new query Products/services details in sales by beneficiary. It is located in the section Sales > Queries > Sales.
- NOVIDADE Added new query Products/services details in sales by product type. It is located in the section Sales > Queries > Sales.
- NOVIDADE Added new query Products/services details in sales by product category. It is located in the section Sales > Queries > Sales".
- NOVIDADE Added new query Bills by academic year. It is located in the section Accounts > Queries > Incomes (Bills). It shows those bills linked to group contracts of the selected academic year, independently of the bill creation date or its value date. The bills from the Sales section won't appear in the query because they are not linked to groups.
- NOVIDADE Added new query Students by group (between dates) . It is located in the section Courses > Queries > Students.
- NOVIDADE Added new query Customers by group (between dates) . It is located in the section Courses > Sales > Customers.
- NOVIDADE Added new statistic New students graph. It is located in the section Courses > Statistics > Students.
- NOVIDADE Added new statistic Active students graph. It is located in the section Courses > Statistics > Students.
- NOVIDADE Added new task Assign subjects to teacher in the subjects list. It allows to assign subjects in batch from the Teachers' subjects section of the Teachers file.
- NOVIDADE Added new task Double subject in the subjects list. It allows to create subjects using the same aspects to be assessed data using different names.
- NOVIDADE Added the customer and teacher fields in the attendance list window. In addition, it has been added the possibility to change customer from an attendance.
- NOVIDADE Added the customer and teacher fields in the simple assessment results and results in parts. In addition, it has been added the possibility to change customer from a simple assessment result or a result in parts.
- NOVIDADE Added the option "Don't show classroom" in the planning. It is showin in the Control Panel, option Academic Offer, section "Data to be viewed on calendars".
- NOVIDADE Added a new "Products/Services" item in the advanced management of customers and students. The products/services sales to the customer/student details are shown from it.
- NOVIDADE Added the banc or cash register in the cash queries by user and banc by user.
- NOVIDADE Added the possibility to stablish a period between dates in the hierarchical lists of the bills description items.
- NOVIDADE Created new automation to modify the students names in bills. In case a change in the student's name/surname, there is no change on the linked bills, that is why the automation can be launched whenever and makes the change in the bills. It is located in the section Tools > Other updates > Bills and Incomes > Update student name in bills.
- NOVIDADE Created new automation to modify the issuing date of the invoices in batch. It is located in the section Accounts > Batch processes > Invoices > Change creation date of invoices.
- NOVIDADE Added ordering fieil in the estimates to customers details. It allows ordering the details within the document in a different way as the details item description.
- NOVIDADE Added the possibility to send the estimate to a customer by mail directly from the list window, without exporting the PDF and attaching it to an email.
- NOVIDADE Added field "Source of contact" to show the resulting list from the Students queries.
- NOVIDADE Added field "Enrolment expenses base import" to allow performing better the lists in the enrolment fee field.
- CORREÇÃO Solved bug related to the options "Attendance report by item description" and "Attendance report by item description and hours", in which by selecting to show them by session, if the student had linked more than two sessions with the same subject, it showed the attendances of all the sessions instead of only the attendances of the selected session. The same happened in the group selection.
- CORREÇÃO When adding more hours to a "Payment in one or more instalments" contract, the instalments dates of the new bill depend on the first instalment of the contract, that could be an old one. Now, they will be generated according to the creation date.
- CORREÇÃO Adding a new contract from the waiting list didn't linked the group the student was waiting for automatically, now it is does it.
- CORREÇÃO The bills generation by the payment option "Regular payment (period hours)" didn't generate correctly the bill if the linked group had more than one session. The number of hours for that group was not correctly calculated. It's working correctly now.
- CORREÇÃO The birthdays query wasn't working correctly in the case of SQL SERVER with the visibility option "Current students without absences".
- CORREÇÃO In the control panel of the Basic edition, it was allowed to quit the bills series in the default values section, but it is not allowed to select a bills serie. If the bills series was quitted by mistake, it was impossible to put it back again and there appeared problems while doing new contracts. Now, it is not allowed to quit it any more.
- CORREÇÃO In the list "Teaching cost" accessed from the teachers list tasks window, it was being calculated according to the teaching parameter "Register payment" instead of the "Pay" parameter. These values usually are similar, but in the cases in which a student wasn't charged by a taught class but the teacher was still being paid, the record wasn't added in the "Teaching cost" list. Now, it has been modified to do so.
- CORREÇÃO In the query "Total cost of classes taught (according to teacher's hourly rate)" was being calculated according to the "Register payment" parameter of teachings instead of the "Pay" parameter. These values usually are similar, but for the cases in which the student wasn't charged for the teaching but the teacher was still being paid, then the record wasn't added to the query. Now, it has been modified to do so.
- CORREÇÃO Solved bug that in"Query: bill description items by course group" result, the range by group wasn't right.
- CORREÇÃO Solved bug when charging an instalment from within a bill edit window, the incoming payment report shown included the pending amount BEFORE the charge, instead of the amount after having done the chargement.
- CORREÇÃO Solved bug that didn't allow showing invoices saved in folders within the Templates directory, that didn't allow the creation of subfolders within that directory.
- CORREÇÃO Solved bug in SQL SERVER when ordering by student field in the attendances item within the group advanced management window.
- CORREÇÃO Solved bug in the advanced management when ordering with the ordering dropdown before searching. If the searching character linked to the first record, it sometimes produced an error.
- CORREÇÃO Solved bug that didn't allowed to select a bill report to be sent by email. Although one from the hard disk was selected, the one sent was the default one.
- CORREÇÃO Solved bug that stablished a group ending date in 2099 by clicking the scroll buttons in the group advanced management window or when the cursor was over some indefined.