O nosso mais sincero agradecimento a todos os usuários de aGora que com as suas sugestões contribuem ao lançamento das novas versões e compilações do programa.

Através das notas de versão você poderá ver as diferentes novidades incluidas nas versões e atualizações do programa. Estas novidades aumentam a potência de aGora constantemente, oferecendo melhor estabilidade, novas funções, erros corregidos, etc.

OBS.: informação disponível em inglês.

Notas de versão de aGora

Novidades da versão 4.39.550

  • IMPORTANTE Fixed critical bug with the editor of e-mail that made computers that have Internet Explorer version 11 not working in a proper way, even not allowing to send emails.
  • NOVIDADE New process to send student reports by email. From this option student reports can be sent both individually and massive by email to the selected student, just choosing the corresponding email address/es.
  • NOVIDADE New process to send invoices to customers. From this option you can send, both individually and massive, the selected bills to the related customers.
  • NOVIDADE New process to send student attendance reports by email. From this option student attendance reports can be sent both individually and massive, just choosing the corresponding student email.
  • NOVIDADE Added fields phone, phone 2, mobile phone and student email to the "Bills by group" query.
  • NOVIDADE New process "Products and services batch sale" . It will allow sales of the same products/services at the same time to all the selected customers and according to the characteristics of the selected sales.
  • CORREÇÃO Fixed bug that caused the removal of a contract from the enrollment list window, it didn't recalculate the count of students in groups of that contract, having to launch the process of "upgrading" to make data updated. Now it is being recalculated.
  • CORREÇÃO Solved bug that had to add the client from within the enquiry as the data field of the NIF request was not transferred to the customer file.
  • CORREÇÃO In SQL Server versions, contract massive copy failed in the case of copying a contract with the payment option "Payment in one or more instalments".
  • CORREÇÃO Fixed bug that caused the Profitability query to fail if the incomes were 0 and there were lectures (eg. if the range of dates selected did not include paid instalments).
  • CORREÇÃO Fixed bug that made the sale process with beneficiary more slow than expected.
  • CORREÇÃO Fixed bug that sometimes made the recalculations of the final amounts wrong during the automation "Change amounts in the contract details" process.
  • CORREÇÃO Fixed bug that caused the query "Bill's item descriptions by teacher" would show the same concept as many times as has the group sessions associated with that bill.
  • CORREÇÃO In the list of budgets, fields Nº of hours and Nº of students had changed values​​.
  • CORREÇÃO There has been a change when selecting teachers in the sessions adding and modifying, in order of not showing those that are currently unsubscribed definetely.
  • CORREÇÃO Fixed bug that occurred when performing a new contract from the enquiry in case the enquiry does not have any linked group. It was produced by selecting the group in which being enrolled, in which were all the available ones, ignoring the selection.