O nosso mais sincero agradecimento a todos os usuários de aGora que com as suas sugestões contribuem ao lançamento das novas versões e compilações do programa.

Através das notas de versão você poderá ver as diferentes novidades incluidas nas versões e atualizações do programa. Estas novidades aumentam a potência de aGora constantemente, oferecendo melhor estabilidade, novas funções, erros corregidos, etc.

OBS.: informação disponível em inglês.

Notas de versão de aGora

Novidades da versão 4.47.630

  • IMPORTANTE New mean of payment type added: Regular payment (period hours). Allows to pay for the hours to be taught within two determined dates. To work normally, this mean of payment needs the contract linked groups to have defined their corresponding sessions with timetables. It uses the mean of payment type 'Periodic payment', but using the hour import instead of the period price. The program calculates how many hours will be taught during this period and generates the bill according to the number of hours and the import per hour.
  • NOVIDADE Option added in the Panel Control toto allow the addition of the quantity of sold product and the unit price in the generation of products/services sales bills.
  • NOVIDADE Added possibility of sending SMS including combined data from the queries 'Contracts-students data', 'Contracts academic information', 'Students, customers, groups and contracts data'.
  • CORREÇÃO Solved bug when deleting a rectifying invoice. Now, it changes the related rectifying invoice state.
  • CORREÇÃO Solved bug when pressing the addition button 'Areas of interest' from enquiries.
  • CORREÇÃO Solved bug that made it impossible to launch the query 'Conctracts-students data'
  • CORREÇÃO Solved bug that made it impossible to send attached files with the email templates of new items in Moodle.
  • CORREÇÃO Solved bug when deleting a contract record linked to aGora.connect.
  • CORREÇÃO Solved bug occurred sometimes that prevented updating the MailChimp state 'unsubscribe' in aGora.